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Medical Dermatology

As the largest and only outward-facing organ of the human body, the skin is susceptible to all manner of bumps, diseases, discolorations, growths, and damage. Our Board-Certified medical dermatologists are here to both educate and assist you in avoiding and treating a variety of untimely and unsightly skin conditions. We specialize in all types of dermatology procedures, treatments, and diagnoses.
  • GENERAL DERMATOLOGY – If you can see it, we can evaluate and treat it. Eczema, acne, rosacea, warts, allergic reactions, psoriasis, rashes, hair and nails, etc.
  • SKIN EXAMS – Performing annual skin exams is recommended by us and the AAD because skin cancer is very treatable when diagnosed early.
  • HIGH-RISK SKIN CANCER PATIENTS – If you’ve had skin cancer or a long history of sun exposure, it’s especially important to make consistent follow-ups with a board-certified dermatologist.
  • SKIN TYPES – All skin types are at risk for varying conditions and diseases, including skin cancer.


WHAT’S THE CAUSE? Acne is a disorder of the sebaceous glands ("oil glands"). It typically starts when rising hormone levels (especially in teenagers) over-stimulate these glands...

Alopecia (Hair Loss)

Alopecia (Hair Loss)

What to Know About Alopecia (Hair Loss)The word alopecia means hair loss. Alopecia develops when there are more hairs being lost as compared to the number of hairs growing in. A...

Benign Growth Removal

Benign Growth Removal

One common reason for a visit to the dermatologist is to evaluate whether a growth on the skin is benign or malignant. One of the most common benign growths are seborrheic...



What to Know About CystsWHAT’S THE CAUSE? A cyst is a closed sac under the skin filled with material. That material may be liquid, soft or hard (calcified and scarred). They can...

Contact Dermatitis

Contact Dermatitis

What to Know About Contact DermatitisDermatitis and eczema are terms that are often used interchangeably. These conditions can be classified as acute or chronic. Dermatitis is...



Dermatitis is a general term that describes an inflammation of the skin. Dermatitis can have many causes and occurs in many forms. It usually involves an itchy rash on swollen,...



Dandruff is a common scalp condition in which small pieces of dry skin flake off of the scalp. If you have dark hair or you’re wearing dark colors, you may notice the flakes in...

Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

What to Know About Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)Treating Excessive Sweating Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, is a disorder in which the body produces an excessive...

Fungal Infections

Fungal Infections

What to Know About Fungal InfectionsFungal infections are caused by fungi. Fungi are widespread in our environment and come from spore bearing plants that have no chlorophyll....



What to Know About HerpesTreating Herpes Herpes is an umbrella term for a group of several contagious viral infections. The most common types are known as herpes simplex Type 1...

Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

What to Know About Herpes Zoster (Shingles)TREATING HERPES ZOSTER (SHINGLES) The same virus that causes chickenpox causes herpes zoster or shingles. Once the virus is contracted,...



What to Know About HivesWHAT’S THE CAUSE? Hives are also known as urticaria, welts, or wheals. Hives are characterized by a red, raised, itchy skin rash. Hives can be caused by...



What to Know About MolesEvaluating and Treating Moles Moles, or nevi, are growths on the skin that develop when pigment cells (melanocytes) grow in clusters. Most adults have...

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

What is Photodynamic Therapy? Photodynamic Therapy is a specialized treatment used to kill precancerous cells for patients diagnosed with actinic keratoses. Like other types of...

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

What to Know About Skin Cancer OverviewTreating Skin Cancer One in five Americans will develop some type of skin cancer over the course of their lifetimes. With early detection...

Skin Tags

Skin Tags

What to Know About Skin TagsTreating Skin Tags A skin tag is a small flap of tissue that hangs off the skin by a connecting stalk. Skin tags are not dangerous. They are usually...

Sun Damage

Sun Damage

What to Know About Sun DamageSun damage can lead to a number of serious skin diseases. If you notice signs of sun damage, make an appointment today to learn how to protect your...



What to Know About WartsTREATING WARTS AND MOLLUSCUM Warts are a common skin infection. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus gains entry to the skin...

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